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How M.Sc. Biochemistry Blends Biological Sciences & Research


How M.Sc. Biochemistry Blends Biological Sciences & Research

Biochemistry defines a school of science that yokes together the study of biology and chemistry. While the study of biology includes the study of living things in the subject, chemistry, includes the element of research in the subject.

A major part of studying biochemistry involves research on the biochemical reactions that happen in living things at a molecular level. By living things here, we mean the entire ecosystem, from human beings, to animals, to flora and fauna and even microorganisms. Biochemistry is alternatively known as molecular biology; hence the subject also studies the implications on living organism’s health upon implementation of biochemical techniques.

Disciplinary scope of studying Biochemistry

The scope of M.Sc. Biochemistry typically involves the following components apart from some additional concepts.

  • A Post graduate degree in Biochemistry imparts students detailed knowledge of human body
  • The subject also teaches students about various building components of living body like carbohydrates and lipids; amino acids and proteins; blood and plasma; biological membranes; nucleic acids (DNA and RNA)
  • Professors of the discipline educate the students about various chemical process of the living body in detail like
    1. Cell division and development.
    2. Function of the enzymes.
    3. Classification of the membranes
    4. Movement of solutes through membranous barriers
    5. Process of blood clotting and reasons of hemostasis in the body. 
    6. The process of oxygen transport in the body
    7. Functioning of the neurons in the body.
    8. The process of ageing in the body.
  • The study of the subject also involves understanding of metabolism and absorption of various minerals and vitamins in the body.
  • Descriptive study of molecular genetics that discourses about the DNA structures in the body and how it is differs in various living bodies.
  • The science of inheritance and the role of DNS and genes in passing information to the next generation.
  • Studying the evolution, function and structure of the genomes.

Course Structure: Combination of Bio Science and Research

M.Sc. Biochemistry is a typical post-graduation course for a duration of two years. It is a comprehensive course that is designed to provide students a complete understanding of the discipline. The two year detailed course is structured not only to provide a solid understanding of the biological sciences but also includes comprehensive set of lab sessions with every semester that provide the students a practical understanding of the concepts.

The students are also taught about the modern findings in this field. Lately a lot of innovation have been done in the field of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, Biophysical and Analytical Biochemistry, Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy etc. Hence apart from the scientific concepts, students are also taught about the technical innovation in the field.

You will be amazed to know that that according to a prediction by Bureau of Labor Statics (USA), the demand of Biochemistry professionals is expected to rise by 8 % from 2014 to 2024. The minimum eligibility to post graduation in Biochemistry is to have a graduate degree in subjects related to life sciences. For those who wish to pursue a career in Biochemistry, they have abundant possibilities in the field of pharmaceutical sciences and medical research field.